Hem Uncategorized Gratinated carrots with feta cheese and pomegranate

Gratinated carrots with feta cheese and pomegranate

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Gratinated carrots with pomegranates and feta cheese fit perfectly together. Serving as an accompaniment for dinner or as a lighter lunch.

The pomegranates are very useful – including the amount of vitamin C and various minerals

Gratinated carrots with feta cheese and pomegranate

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Pers: 2 Förberedelser: Tillagning:
Näringsvärde 200 Kalorier 20 grams
Betyg 5.0/5
( 1 röster )


  • 400 grams of snack carrots
  • 200 grams of feta cheese
  • 1 pomegranate
  • 2 tbsp honey
  • 2 tbsp olive oil
  • salt and pepper


  1. Pre heat the oven 200 degrees
  2. Put the carrots in an oven-proof form and sprinkle over olive oil
  3. Leave the oven for 20 minutes
  4. Core pomegranate
  5. When the carrots are ready, place them on a storage tray
  6. Pour over some  honey, salt and pepper, crumble over the feta and spread the kernels from the pomegranate.


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