Hem DINNER Lemon paste with Mascarpone

Lemon paste with Mascarpone

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When life gives you lemons, make pasta! This simple daily recipe gives you both a tasty experience and plenty of time to do other things.

The smell of lemon is said to be improving the mood and also be energizing. Vitamin C is also said to be good for recovery at different degrees of stress

Lemon paste with Mascarpone

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Pers: 4 Förberedelser: Tillagning:
Näringsvärde 200 Kalorier 20 grams
Betyg 5.0/5
( 1 röster )


  • 500 grams of pasta
  • 400 grams baby spinach
  • 1 lemon
  • 250 grams Mascarpone
  • 2 garlic cloves
  • 1 yellow onion
  • 4 tablespoons olive oil
  • Salt and peppar


  1. Fill a saucepan with water, salt and some olive oil, boil up
  2. Add the pasta and cook according to the instructions on the package
  3. Chop garlic and yellow onion and fry in olive oil
  4. Add spinach and simmer for another 2 minutes
  5. Peel the shell of 1 lemon
  6. Add the juice from 1 lemon and the mascarpone boil for a minute
  7. Pour your ready cooked pasta into the mascarpone mix it and add the grated shell from 1 lemon
  8. Salta and peppers
  9. Serve
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